one item

First, let’s load a few libraries :


# for the tables

# for the charts

# for the Demand & Supply Planning calculations : the library planr

We’re going to present here how to use the proj_inv() function from the R package planr.

More info on :

On top of the classic variables (Demand, Opening, Supply), we will consider 2 new parameters :
- a target of minimum stock level
- a target of maximum stock level

We will calculate the projected inventories and coverages and compare those values vs those defined targets.

First, let’s add 2 parameters, which define the min & max coverages, to our initial database, used as a demo for the light_proj_inv() function :
- Min.Cov
- Max.Cov

We need **7 *variables** to use this function :

The periods can be in monthly buckets, weekly buckets, etc…

1) Create Data Template

1.1) Basic Template

Let’s create a simple dataset which contains the basic features.

This dataset will contain the 5 variables required : Period / Demand / Opening / Suply and a DFU.

We’ll call it my_demand_and_suppply.

Period <- c(
"1/1/2020", "2/1/2020", "3/1/2020", "4/1/2020", "5/1/2020", "6/1/2020", "7/1/2020", "8/1/2020", "9/1/2020", "10/1/2020", "11/1/2020", "12/1/2020","1/1/2021", "2/1/2021", "3/1/2021", "4/1/2021", "5/1/2021", "6/1/2021", "7/1/2021", "8/1/2021", "9/1/2021", "10/1/2021", "11/1/2021", "12/1/2021")

Demand <- c(360, 458,300,264,140,233,229,208,260,336,295,226,336,434,276,240,116,209,205,183,235,312,270,201)

Opening <- c(1310,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

Supply <- c(0,0,0,0,0,2500,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

# assemble
my_demand_and_suppply <- data.frame(Period,

# let's add a Product
my_demand_and_suppply$DFU <- "Product A"

# format the Period as a date
my_demand_and_suppply$Period <- as.Date(as.character(my_demand_and_suppply$Period), format = '%m/%d/%Y')

# let's have a look at it
      Period Demand Opening Supply       DFU
1 2020-01-01    360    1310      0 Product A
2 2020-02-01    458       0      0 Product A
3 2020-03-01    300       0      0 Product A
4 2020-04-01    264       0      0 Product A
5 2020-05-01    140       0      0 Product A
6 2020-06-01    233       0   2500 Product A

1.2) Add Stocks Parameters

Now let’s add the 2 new parameters Min.Cov and Max.Cov :

my_data_with_parameters <- my_demand_and_suppply

my_data_with_parameters$Min.Cov <- 2
my_data_with_parameters$Max.Cov <- 4

      Period Demand Opening Supply       DFU Min.Cov Max.Cov
1 2020-01-01    360    1310      0 Product A       2       4
2 2020-02-01    458       0      0 Product A       2       4
3 2020-03-01    300       0      0 Product A       2       4
4 2020-04-01    264       0      0 Product A       2       4
5 2020-05-01    140       0      0 Product A       2       4
6 2020-06-01    233       0   2500 Product A       2       4

2) Calculate Projected Inventories & Coverages

Now we’re going to apply the proj_inv() function.

Same with the function light_proj_inv(), it will allows to calculate 2 features for the DFU :

  • projected inventories

  • projected coverages, based on the Demand Forecasts

And also 5 new features :

  • Safety.Stocks : the projected Safety Stocks quantity, in units

  • Maximum.Stocks :the projected Maximum Stocks quantity, in units

  • PI.Index : a indicator, to inform whether the Projected Inventories are in OverStock (above the Maximum Stock target), in Alert (below the Safety Stock target), in Shortage (no stocks), or OK (between the 2 targets)

  • Ratio.PI.vs.min : a comparison of the Projected Inventories vs Safety Stocks target

  • Ratio.PI.vs.Max : a comparison of the Projected Inventories vs Safety Stocks target

We also can notice that the minimum and maximum stocks coverages, initially expressed in Periods (of coverage) are converted in units.

It’s quite useful to chart the projected inventories vs those 2 thresholds for example (see part 4) to display where our [Projected.Inventories] stand vs those targets.

The [PI.Index] and the 2 ratios [Ratio.PI.vs.min] & [Ratio.PI.vs.Max] are useful to filter the data on the relevant products with issues, displaying quickly which products have issues, when and how much (vs targets).

# calculate
df1 <- planr::proj_inv(data = my_data_with_parameters, 
                DFU = DFU, 
                Period = Period, 
                Demand =  Demand, 
                Opening = Opening, 
                Supply = Supply,
                Min.Cov = Min.Cov, 
                Max.Cov = Max.Cov)
Joining with `by = join_by(DFU, Period)`
Joining with `by = join_by(DFU, Period)`
# little formatting
df1 <-

# see results
calculated_projection_and_analysis <- df1

Rows: 24
Columns: 14
$ DFU                            <chr> "Product A", "Product A", "Product A", …
$ Period                         <date> 2020-01-01, 2020-02-01, 2020-03-01, 20…
$ Demand                         <dbl> 360, 458, 300, 264, 140, 233, 229, 208,…
$ Opening                        <dbl> 1310, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
$ <dbl> 2.7, 1.7, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 7.4, 6.4, 5.4,…
$ Projected.Inventories.Qty      <dbl> 950, 492, 192, -72, -212, 2055, 1826, 1…
$ Supply                         <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
$ Min.Cov                        <dbl> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, …
$ Max.Cov                        <dbl> 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, …
$ Safety.Stocks                  <dbl> 758, 564, 404, 373, 462, 437, 468, 596,…
$ Maximum.Stocks                 <dbl> 1162, 937, 866, 810, 930, 1033, 1099, 1…
$ PI.Index                       <chr> "OK", "Alert", "Alert", "Shortage", "Sh…
$ Ratio.PI.vs.min                <dbl> 1.25, 0.87, 0.48, -0.19, -0.46, 4.70, 3…
$ Ratio.PI.vs.Max                <dbl> 0.82, 0.53, 0.22, -0.09, -0.23, 1.99, 1…

3) A nicer display of table

First, let’s create a function status_PI.Index()

# create a function status.PI.Index
status_PI.Index <- function(color = "#aaa", width = "0.55rem", height = width) {
  span(style = list(
    display = "inline-block",
    marginRight = "0.5rem",
    width = width,
    height = height,
    backgroundColor = color,
    borderRadius = "50%"

And now let’s create a reactable, jusing the libraries reactable and reactablefmtr.

# set a working df
df1 <- calculated_projection_and_analysis

# remove not needed column
df1 <- df1 |> select(-DFU)

# create a f_colorpal field
df1 <- df1 |> mutate(f_colorpal = case_when( > 6 ~ "#FFA500", 
                                     > 2 ~ "#32CD32",
                                     > 0 ~ "#FFFF99",
                                              TRUE ~ "#FF0000" ))
# Create Table
reactable(df1, resizable = TRUE, showPageSizeOptions = TRUE, 
              striped = TRUE, highlight = TRUE, compact = TRUE, 
              defaultPageSize = 20,
              columns = list(

                Demand = colDef(
                  name = "Demand (units)",
                  cell = data_bars(df1, 
                                   #round_edges = TRUE
                                   #value <- format(value, big.mark = ","),
                                   #number_fmt = big.mark = ",",
                                   fill_color = "#3fc1c9",
                                   #fill_opacity = 0.8, 
                                   text_position = "outside-end"

       = colDef(
                  name = "Coverage (Periods)",
                  maxWidth = 90,
                  cell= color_tiles(df1, color_ref = "f_colorpal")
                f_colorpal = colDef(show = FALSE), # hidden, just used for the coverages

                `Projected.Inventories.Qty`= colDef(
                  name = "Projected Inventories (units)",
                  format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0),
                  style = function(value) {
                    if (value > 0) {
                      color <- "#008000"
                    } else if (value < 0) {
                      color <- "#e00000"
                    } else {
                      color <- "#777"
                    list(color = color
                         #fontWeight = "bold"

                Supply = colDef(
                  name = "Supply (units)",
                  cell = data_bars(df1, 
                                   #round_edges = TRUE
                                   #value <- format(value, big.mark = ","),
                                   #number_fmt = big.mark = ",",
                                   fill_color = "#3CB371",
                                   #fill_opacity = 0.8, 
                                   text_position = "outside-end"
                  #format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0)
                  #number_fmt = big.mark = ","
                PI.Index = colDef(
                  name = "Analysis",
                  cell = function(value) {
                    color <- switch(
                      TBC = "hsl(154, 3%, 50%)",
                      OverStock = "hsl(214, 45%, 50%)",
                      OK = "hsl(154, 64%, 50%)",
                      Alert = "hsl(30, 97%, 70%)",
                      Shortage = "hsl(3, 69%, 50%)"
                    PI.Index <- status_PI.Index(color = color)
                    tagList(PI.Index, value)
                `Safety.Stocks`= colDef(
                  name = "Safety Stocks (units)",
                  format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0)
                `Maximum.Stocks`= colDef(
                  name = "Maximum Stocks (units)",
                  format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0)
                `Opening`= colDef(
                  name = "Opening Inventories (units)",
                  format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0)
                `Min.Cov`= colDef(name = "Min Stocks Coverage (Periods)"),
                `Max.Cov`= colDef(name = "Maximum Stocks Coverage (Periods)"),
                # ratios
                `Ratio.PI.vs.min`= colDef(name = "Ratio PI vs min"),
                `Ratio.PI.vs.Max`= colDef(name = "Ratio PI vs Max")
              ), # close columns lits
              columnGroups = list(
                colGroup(name = "Projected Inventories", columns = c("", 
                colGroup(name = "Stocks Levels Parameters", columns = c("Min.Cov", 
                colGroup(name = "Analysis Features", columns = c("PI.Index", 
    ) # close reactable

Compared to the previous table, we have here some additional information available: the calculated fields (mentioned in the table as Analysis Features).

  • based on safety & maximum stocks targets

  • useful for a mass analysis (Cockpit / Supply Risks Alarm), but perhaps too detailed for a focus on a SKU in this type of table

4) Charts

4.1) Projected Inventories vs Min & Max

Now let’s create a chart to look at the Projected Inventories.

The idea is to quickly visualize when we have stocks, and when we project to be in shortage.

# set a working df
df1 <- calculated_projection_and_analysis

# Chart
p <- highchart() |>
  hc_add_series(name = "Max", color = "crimson", data = df1$Maximum.Stocks) |>
  hc_add_series(name = "min", color = "lightblue", data = df1$Safety.Stocks) |> 
  hc_add_series(name = "Projected Inventories", 
                color = "gold", 
                data = df1$Projected.Inventories.Qty) |> 
  hc_title(text = "Projected Inventories") |>
  hc_subtitle(text = "in units") |>
  hc_xAxis(categories = df1$Period) |>


4.2) Positive & Negative Projected Inventories

# set a working df
df1 <- calculated_projection_and_analysis

# keep only the needed columns
df1 <- df1 |> select(Period, Projected.Inventories.Qty)

# create a value.index
df1$Value.Index <- if_else(df1$Projected.Inventories.Qty < 0, "Shortage", "Stock")
# spread
df1 <- df1 |> spread(Value.Index, Projected.Inventories.Qty)
# Chart

u <- highchart() |> 
  hc_title(text = "Projected Inventories") |>
  hc_subtitle(text = "in units") |> 
  hc_add_theme(hc_theme_google()) |>
  hc_xAxis(categories = df1$Period) |> 
  hc_add_series(name = "Stock", 
                color = "#32CD32",
                #dataLabels = list(align = "center", enabled = TRUE),
                data = df1$Stock) |> 
  hc_add_series(name = "Shortage", 
                color = "#dc3220",
                #dataLabels = list(align = "center", enabled = TRUE),
                data = df1$Shortage) |> 
  hc_chart(type = "column") |> 
  hc_plotOptions(series = list(stacking = "normal"))
