Shiny apps examples

Using the shiny package created by posit (formerly RStudio) it’s possible to create some powerful web apps to run some calculations and analysis.

Here are a few examples.

DRP calculation

Demo app to illustrate the calculation of a DRP (Distribution Requirement Planning), using 3 parameters:

  • Safety Stocks levels

  • Frequency of supply

  • Frozen Horizon

2 levels network

Demo app to illustrate the calculation of projected inventories through different distribution levels.

Here, a Regional Distribution Center (RDC) supplies some products to 3 markets : Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand.

There are stocks in 3 locations, and the Replenishment Demand of the 3 markets becomes the Demand of the RDC.

We can model the distribution network and run some simulations : change of sales plan, inventories parameters, supply plan, …